Good Products for Daily Life Available at Okinawa SAN-A Food Section

 From March 12 (Fri.), sales of MUJI products has started at the food section of SAN-A Naha Main Place in Okinawa Prefecture, with the hope that many people will be able to pick up basic products that are useful and close to their daily lives.
 MUJI products can be purchased together with fresh food and other products sold in the food section. We have selected about 800 products from the 7,000 items sold at MUJI, including socks, underwear, toning water, stationery, storage products, cleaning products, retort curry and sweets.
 MUJI has been developing and selling natural, simple, and reasonably priced basic products for daily life, paying close attention to the earth and the times, and eliminating all waste from the standpoint of the customers. In the midst of dramatic changes in the consumer environment caused by COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to bring the lifestyle basics, which are truly fundamental to day-to-day life, closer to the daily life of customers. SAN-A Corporation is a community-based general retailer that operates 70 retail stores in Okinawa (as of the end of February 2021), as well as restaurants.
 Since SAN-A is a company rooted in the local community, we will continue to work with it to better serve the lives of the people of Okinawa.