Corporate Information
About Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.
Number of Stores
As of the end of August 2024, we operate 655 stores in Japan and 709 stores outside Japan (includes licensed stores, Café&Meal MUJI, IDÉE).
Countries /Regions
By the end of August 2024, MUJI is operating in 29 countries and regions including Japan.
Number of active users for MUJI passport
Launched in May 2013, the MUJI passport application is available in 11 countries and regions, including Japan as of Aug 31, 2024.Active users in Japan during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2024 totaled 15.69million.
Number of messages distributed via MUJI passport
As a communication tool to connect stores with customers, we are sending out messages from stores everyday via MUJI passport application.
Number of Women in Managerial Positions
There are 211 women whose duties and responsibilities are equivalent to or above deputy managers at Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd., which accounts for 29.8% of all employees in managerial positions.
Shareholder Return Policy
30.0 %
We are committed to returning profits to our shareholders through an annual payout ratio of 30% of consolidated earnings. The dividend for FY ending August 2023 is 40 JPY per share.
ROE (Return on equity)
14.9 %
The ROE of FY ending August 2024 is 14.9%. We are working to improve capital efficiency with the goal of maintaining a ROE of 15% or higher.
ROA (Return on total assets)
11.6 %
The ROA of FY ending August 2024 is 11.6%. We are working to improve capital efficiency with the goal of maintaining a ROA of 15% or higher.
Textiles recycling
Since 2010, we have upcycled unnecessary MUJI clothes collected at our stores by adding new value to them through dying and patching, and sold them under the name of "ReMUJI."
For FY2024, we have sold 55,746 pieces of ReMUJI clothes at Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. alone.