About the Company

When was Ryohin Keikaku established?
Ryohin Keikaku was established on June 30 1989.
What is the vision/philosophy of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Corporate Philosophy.
What is MUJI?
Please see What is MUJI?.
What are the group companies of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Group Companies.

About Business

What is the business of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Our Business.
What is the business strategy of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Mid-Term Business Plan.
How many stores does Ryohin Keikaku have in Japan?
Please see Corporate Information.
Where can I find your stores outside Japan?
Please see Corporate Information.
What are the business risks for Ryohin Keikaku?
Please refer to 5. [Business Risks] in the Securities Report (only in Japanese).
What is Ryohin Keikaku's basic policy on corporate governance?
Please see Corporate Governance.

About Financial Results

What were the financial results of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Financial Highlights or IR Library.
Where can I find information on the latest financial results?
Please see Monthly Sales or IR Library.
What is the key financial index of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Financial Highlights.
When are the financial results announced?
The Monthly Sales Flash for Japan Business is disclosed after 15:00 on the second working day, Japan time. For other announcements, please refer to the IR Calendar.
*The announcement date may vary due to disclosure rules and regulations.
When does fiscal year end at Ryohin Keikaku group companies?
Starting from the FY ending August 2021, the fiscal year of all companies in the Ryohin Keikaku Group will end on the last day of August.
Please also see DATA BOOK.
What is Revenue from Operations?
Revenue from operations is the income generated from the core businesses of Ryohin Keikaku group. It includes not only net sales but also royalty income, lease income, commissions received, transportation charges received, and the like.
What are the management targets of Ryohin Keikaku?
Please see Mid-Term Business Plan.

About Stocks

On which stock exchange is Ryohin Keikaku listed and what is the securities code?
The Company is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange under the securities code "7453."
When were Ryohin Keikaku shares listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
Ryohin Keikaku shares were first listed on the Japan Securities Dealers Association over-the-counter market in August 1995. They were then listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 1998, and listed on the First Section in August 2000, and have been listed on the Prime Market since April 2022.
What is the minimum stock trading unit?
What is Ryohin Keikaku's policy on shareholder returns?
Ryohin Keikaku plans to invest internal reserves for sustainable growth. However, as long as our business situation permits, we are committed to continuous return to our shareholders through annual dividend payout ratio of 30% of consolidated earnings.
What were the actual dividends paid to shareholders in the past?
Please see Stock Information..
When is the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held?
It is generally held in November every year. Please refer to IR Calendar for details.

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