Medium-Term Business Plan


Our Mission and Corporate Purpose

Ryohin Keikaku Group, at this "Second Founding", defined our corporate purpose as "to contribute to the creation of 'Truthful and Sustainable Life for All' through our products, services, stores and business activities; believing 'human society rich in heart, with balanced relationship between human, nature and artifacts'". We will expand our business through the commitment to our mission.

  • Mission 1: To provide daily necessities and services with genuine quality and ethical value, at appropriate and affordable prices.
  • Mission 2: To have a positive impact on each region by operating stores that serve as community centers, sharing concerns and values with local residents and collaborating with them to tackle local issues.

Under this core corporate purpose, we will continue to contribute to the creation of ecological and sustainable society with resource-recycling.

With the core value "To contribute to society and people", all of our employees and associates will proactively respond to issues surrounding in our society and Earth. And also make effort on reducing environmental burdens through the whole cycle of our products, services and activities, while respecting individuals.

In 2021 July, we have announced our vision until 2030 to create better future society in 100 years. Through each store, we will continue to contribute and work together with locals to improve their communities and to encounter their local issues while supporting the basics of everyday life.

2030 Vision

4 things we do to achieve

Complete the finest and unrivalled products that support people as daily necessities, including their processes of procurement and production.
Each stores have independent management to create a community-based business model. Accelerate new store openings with the business model, while maintaining profitability.
Develop organizational culture in which all associates work proactively, leading independent growth in each store, region and country.
Compose business infrastructure and headquarter functions to support independent store management and localization.

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Research Coverage Report by Shared Research Inc.