IR Policy

Ryohin Keikaku, as a group of independently-managed stores, aims to become a world-class highly profitable company that contributes to the global community in order to achieve the "simple, pleasant life and society" it proposes. Adhering to our basic policy of accurate, swift, and fair information disclosure, we will build a long-term relationship of trust with shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, and engage in investor relations to ensure that our enterprise value can be determined correctly.

1. Information Disclosure Criteria

We will disclose company information in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other laws, as well as the rules laid down by the stock exchange. Furthermore, even in cases where such laws and regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules do not require us to disclose the information in question, we will actively disclose information that may be useful to promote understanding about our group.

2. Information Disclosure Method

Any information that meets the criteria for disclosure per the Timely Disclosure Rules will be disclosed on the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and will also be announced on our website without delay. In order to ensure fair information disclosure, we will strive to provide announcements in English wherever possible.

3. Improving Communication

In addition to ensuring timely disclosure of information, we will provide information about our management strategy, business operations, financials, and other vital aspects of our enterprise to shareholders and investors in a fair and easy-to-comprehend manner by issuing IR material (financial statements, DATABOOK, shareholder letters, etc.) and improving our website. Opinions and feedback from shareholders and investors will be shared within the group to improve our business.

4. Quiet Period

From the perspective of preventing leakage of financial information, we will observe a quiet period from the day following the closing date of each quarter to the announcement of financial results. During the quiet period, we will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding our financial results.

5. Forward-Looking Statements

All information we disclose that includes forward-looking statements regarding plans, outlooks, strategies, etc. is based on certain assumptions that are deemed reasonable at the time of disclosure, and is thus subject to risk and uncertainty. Therefore, the actual performance or results may differ from the forecast depending on changes in economic and/or business conditions.

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