Announcement of Establishment of Production Management Base in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan; Satoru Matsuzaki, President & Representative Director; hereafter RKJ) announced today that the Board of Directors has resolved the establishment of a subsidiary, MUJI Global Sourcing Vietnam Company Limited, in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter Vietnam) to reinforce the sourcing (procurement) and production management in the ASEAN region.


With the purpose of strengthening sourcing and production quality management in the ASEAN region, which is one of the major production areas, we will establish this local subsidiary in Vietnam to carry out sourcing and production quality management in the local area and improve production efficiency.

About the Company

MUJI Global Sourcing Vietnam Company Limited
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
(to be decided)
sourcing and production quality management in the ASEAN region
MUJI Global Sourcing Private Limited 100%
March, 2021 (planned)

* Information is current as of the date of the announcement, and could be subject to change in the future.

For press inquiries, please contact
RYOHIN KEIKAKU Co.,LTD Public Relations Business Management