MUJI Published Integrated Report, "MUJI REPORT 2021"
Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (Toshima-ku Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Nobuo Domae) today released the first Integrated Report, "MUJI REPORT 2021" (82 pages).

The report is designed to communicate to stakeholders the goals, management policies, and business environment for medium-to-long-term value creation based on corporate philosophy and mission. The report goes over the redefined corporate purpose under the medium-term business plan announced on July 2021 (for the fiscal years ending August 31, 2022 through August 31, 2024), as well as sustainability and ESG initiatives.
Ryohin Keikaku will work with stakeholders to create positive impact on the society and enhance its corporate value over the long term.
For details, please refer to the Sustainability page.
[Main Contents of MUJI REPORT 2021]

A brief overview of the company, including the redefined corporate purpose, 41-year history, and activity results in numbers.
Message from the President / Mid-term Business Plan

Reasons behind updating corporate purpose, the direction we are headed, and initiatives of medium-term management plan (for the fiscal years ending August 31, 2022 through August 31, 2024).
Business Strategy

The global strategy for 2030, as well as key initiatives for issues to be addressed by 2024, including areas in "core product lineup, procurement and production process", "community-based business model," and "corporate culture reform".

This section underscores the stance on ESG which has remained consistent for 41 years since the founding in 1980: to become a top runner in ESG and contains reports on activities in each of "products," "business activities," and "taking root in the community".
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