News Releases

Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement Signed with Shimanto Town


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Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (Toshima-ku Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Nobuo Domae) today signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Shimanto Town, Kochi (Mayor: Hironori Nakao) to attract new residents and businesses while commencing regional vitalization.

Aiming to contribute to a truthful and sustainable life and society, Ryohin Keikaku is being involved in a variety of initiatives led by local authorities and residents to revitalize local communities. MUJI stores rooted in each area aim to become platforms that connect people and people, people and nature, and people and the society.

Shimanto Town formed by the merger of Kubokawa Town, Taisho Town, and Towa Village has a population of 16,000. Blessed with rich natural environment and agricultural products, the town receives more tax donations and welcomes more new residents compared to its neighbors in Kochi Prefecture. Still, the town faces rising concerns such as residents relocating away, aging and declining population, abandoned houses, and deteriorating public facilities.

Ryohin Keikaku currently sells goods from Shimanto Town through online store that connects producers to customers. Going forward, Ryohin Keikaku will leverage its experience and expertise on regional vitalization to tackle the rising concerns of Shimanto Town. On top of assisting with commercial activities such as the sale of goods online, Ryohin Keikaku plans to renovate housing for potential new residents.

Scope of Cooperation

  1. Promotion of new settlement as well as resident retention
  2. Promotion of local industries and businesses
  3. Promotion of local tourism
  4. Health and welfare
  5. Childcare and human resource development
  6. Inheritance of traditions and culture rooted in the region
  7. Other regional vitalization initiatives


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PR Department, PR & IR & ESG Division
Tokyo, JAPAN