Commitments to the Circular Economy
Responsibilities to Customers on Food
Basic Approach
Our goal is to provide a truthful and sustainable life for everyone through food. We develop and produce enjoyable, delicious foods that take into consideration safety and security, differences in regions and lifestyles, and also health consciousness.
We will fulfill our responsibilities to customers by manufacturing our products from customers' viewpoints throughout all stages from product planning and selection of factories to manufacturing and sales. We will sincerely listen to our customers' opinions and provide relevant information appropriately.
With the basic idea of "caring is curing", we will address the health issues of modern society by valuing daily food. Especially in the field of processed foods, we will strengthen the development of food products that take into consideration nutritional balance and nutritional supplementation.
We will carry out rigorous quality control to ensure food safety and security. Nutritional contents for each product will be listed and labeled in an easy-to-understand manner, making it easier for customers to choose.
In addition, we will endeavor to realize rich food lifestyles by promoting the production of food products that make the best use of ingredients in accordance with diverse regions, lifestyles, and preferences.
We will also focus on the development of health-conscious food products, aiming to have 20% of the total number of product items in the Food Division to be health-conscious products by 2030.
1 | Food Safety and Quality Control
We set our own standards called "Ryohin Standards" in compliance with laws and regulations, which determine food additives to be used, and set expiration dates. We strive to reduce the use of food additives by devising the selection of ingredients and the methods of processing and packaging. In June 2023, we also joined the "Japan Food Additives Association" to further ensure food safety and security by strengthening our collection of information, such as safe amounts of food additives and labeling methods, and our understanding of industry trends.
Before launching a new product, we ensure thorough quality control in accordance with the "Ryohin Standards," by verifying whether the specifications and forms are such that quality can be maintained safely until the expiration date, and whether the cooking process is easy for customers to understand. Food products provided for restaurants and cafes, and home meal service also comply with the "Ryohin Standards."
In August 2023, we established the "Food Safety and Security Committee," which actively discusses the prevention of and response to serious accidents, in addition to ongoing inspections of the "Ryohin Standards." The committee meets every other month, and in addition to internal committee members belonging to relevant divisions such as the Product Division and Risk Management Division, external experts participate as advisors.
2 | Quality Control at Factories
We audit production factories based on the "Factory Evaluation Survey Sheet" prepared in compliance with international food safety standards such as Codex HACCP, ISO22000, FSSC22000, etc., and only contract with certified factories that have passed the audit. By conducting periodic on-site inspections, we ensure continuous safety and quality improvement.
3 | After-Sale Improvements
We gather and internally share feedbacks on our products from our stores, customer inquiries, defects, complaints, and information on other issues through our dedicated in-house system. The information and evaluation received are reflected in the subsequent product development.
4 | Responsible Marketing
We comply with laws and regulations such as the Food Labeling Act, the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and the Fair Competition Code for product packaging and advertising and endeavor to use appropriate and non-misleading expressions and labeling.
We do not use discriminatory expressions, without failing to take all customers regardless of race, gender, age, etc into consideration. We will ensure that information on product packages does not differ from the contents of the products, and will use simple and accurate language and avoid excessive expressions in product names and copy.
We make our products' information easier to understand in ways such as using icons that indicate the spiciness of curries and decaffeinated beverages.
5 | In-house Training
We regularly update our internal manuals on the safe provision of food considering the introduction of external standards, particularly HACCP, and social conditions.
To ensure compliance with laws and regulations and the "Ryohin Standards," we conduct "Food Labeling Training" for store staff and encourage them to take the Food Labeling Certification Examination to deepen their understanding of food labeling. In addition, we hold in-house briefings on the Guidelines for Food Additive Non-Use Labeling announced by the Consumer Affairs Agency in 2022 and are committed to labeling that does not mislead customers.
Tasting advisor training sessions are held for staff who conduct tastings at stores to educate them on safety management addressing issues including hygiene and allergy management. We actively use recorded data to ensure that as many staff as possible can take the course, and at the same time, check their level of understanding through a test after the course.
We are also strengthening in-house briefings and video distribution on product information, including product background, concepts, cooking methods, and labeling.
6 | Product Development Addressing Health Consciousness

Less than 10g of Sugar Pasta Snack Cheese Flavor

1/3 Daily Vegetable Soup Tomato Soup
We are strengthening the development of health-conscious food products from the perspective of better nutritional balance.
In 2023, in response to the demand for easy access to healthy meals, we launched the series of "Meal Kit," frozen food products that provide easy access to vegetables and protein, and "1/3 Daily Vegetable Soup," a retort-pouch soup series. The tomato soup and pumpkin soup within this series have a long shelf life up to two years* and can be used as stockpiled food in times of disaster.
As of sugar, with the growing concern of the increase in lifestyle-related diseases, we have developed a series of products with "less than 10g of sugar" per serving.
In addition, we are developing products with consideration for the varying lifestyles of customers and the extension of healthy life expectancy. For example, we have developed caffeine-free beverages out of concern for the pronounced effect of caffeine on children and pregnant women.
We plan to expand our health-conscious product variety to reach even more customers in the future, and are planning to launch nutrition-added jellies, freeze-dried soups with dietary fiber, and other products.
* When unopened.
7 | Development of Plant-Based Products

Soy Meat Side Dishes Dumplings

Plant-based Confectionery Carrot Cake
In consideration of food diversification, growing health consciousness, and reduction of environmental impact, we are actively developing retort pouch foods using alternative foods such as soybean meat, as well as curry and confectionery products made mainly from vegetable ingredients and without animal ingredients such as meat, milk, and eggs.
In particular, soy protein is attracting attention as a sustainable protein source that can replace fish and meat since it uses less water and produces less carbon dioxide during production process compared to beef and pork. In 2023, we launched four types of frozen foods that use soy meat instead of meat and mainly use plant-derived ingredients such as vegetables, beans, and grains. To make it easier for people who are new to plant-based foods to try them, we have developed familiar menu items such as dumplings and pizza. We plan to continue expanding the development of plant-based frozen foods.
8| Healthcare Centers

Promotion of Chinese herbal medicine MUJI Naoetsu
We are promoting the initiative of "Healthcare Centers" located in our stores, which provide products, information, and services to help local residents maintain good health and prevent illness, by creating places for "prevention," "maintenance," and "treatment" for a healthy and secure life. Currently, we operate 4 centers* nationwide, collaborating with local governments and medical care providers.
We are also strengthening the development of health food products from 2023. So far, we have launched seven types of Chinese herbal medicines, which are decoctions containing only herbal medicines without additives, to address women's specific concerns related to menopause and menstruation. For the sale of ClassⅡdrugs, pharmacists or registered sales representatives are stationed at the 4 stores to provide health counseling and advice at the time of purchase. In 2024, we also launched "Wakan-cha," a tea made from various herbs and plants based on the Oriental way of thinking. By slowly and carefully brewing tea made from Japanese and Chinese ingredients handed down from our ancestors, we support the maintenance of daily health while finding enjoyment in daily life.
*MUJI Naoetsu, MUJI Hiroshima Alpark, MUJI Yume Terrace Gion, MUJI Grand Front Osaka (As of the end of September 2024)