On Friday, October 16, the book MUJI IS – Mujirushi Ryohin Archive has been released at 46 MUJI stores across Japan as well as the MUJI online store.
MUJI, first established in 1980 with only 40 items, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. This book, issued by the MUJI Laboratory for Living*, selected about 460 items out of all the products MUJI has released to date, and summarized the thoughts of each product of in “15 verbs.”
*MUJI Laboratory for Living is a research facility established within the company to reconsider the concept of “a simple, pleasant life” from a variety of perspectives and to advance together with customers.
Together with the launch of the book, the exhibition “A walk in the forest of verbs from the ‘MUJI IS’ book” will be held at ATELIER MUJI GIZNA Gallery 2 from October 16, 2020, to February 21, 2021.
In addition, on Friday, October 16, we held an opening talk “How the 'MUJI IS' book has come into being” on the sixth floor of MUJI GINZA. In this event, Ms. Kazuko Koike, a member of MUJI’s Advisory Board and the head of MUJI Laboratory for Living and other members from the editing team of the book explained the background of MUJI’s birth, its products, advertisement, activities, etc. using the 15 verbs included in this book. This event is scheduled to be open online at the end of October 2020. Please refer to the website of ATELIER MUJI GINZA for details about the date and time of publication and how to view the program.

■Related sites
MUJI online store | MUJI IS (in Japanese)
A walk in the forest of verbs from the ‘MUJI IS’ book (in Japanese)
Opening Talk “How the book 'MUJI IS' has come into being” (in Japanese)