Ryohin Keikaku Ranked Second as a Sustainable Brand
The results of the Japan Sustainable Brands Index, a corporate brand survey conducted by Sustainable Brands Japan in response to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), have been announced at the “International Conference on Sustainable Brands 2021 in Yokohama”, organized by HAKUTEN Inc, and Ryohin Keikaku has been ranked second in the overall ranking and the first in the retail distribution category.
This survey aims to review corporate sustainability efforts from a consumer perspective and to examine how consumers' perceptions of companies influence their consumption and recommendation behavior. Based on responses from 9,000 men and women aged 18-79, the survey evaluated 180 corporate brands in Japan based on how they contribute to the SDGs and their sustainability value, which were measured the extent to which a company is addressing the 17 SDGs goals through its initiatives and products.
Awareness of the SDGs in Japan has been increasing year by year, from 9.3% in January 2018 to 58.1% in the current survey (conducted in December 2020). It is also said that consumers will become even more interested in the SDGs activities of companies in the future, and it is expected to influence their actual behavior (purchasing, recommendations, etc.) (according to Sustainable Brand Japan).
Since MUJI's birth 40 years ago, long before the term "sustainability" became widespread, it has been developing products in line with the "Three Principles" that form the basis of its product development. Today, we are moving beyond the boundaries of the retail industry and are promoting a variety of initiatives to be "to serve a purpose" to society and life. As a top runner in ESG management, let's all continue to take action by repeatedly carrying out "Notice, Think, and Try" in order to contribute to the local community and be useful to our customers.

Source: Sustainable Brands Japan (https://www.sustainablebrands.jp/community/column/detail/1200254_2557.html)