Monthly Sales Flash

Japan Business
Fiscal period ending 2025 / Aug (2024/09/01~2025/08/31)
* Japan sales growth will be updated on the second business day of each month.

Monthly Sales for Feb 2025

Sales Growth, Customer Traffic and Sales per Customer Year-on-Year

Japan LFL Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
All Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
Sales (%) 108.5 117.2
Customer Traffic (%) 108.4 116.4
Sales per Customer (%) 100.1 100.7
Target :
Directly Managed MUJI stores, MUJI500 stores, MUJIcom stores, MUJItoGO stores in Japan. (Licensed stores excluded)
LFL (Like-for-Like) :
Stores fully operated during the prior fiscal period (excluding stores that were closed for 30 days or more in the previous term)
Online Store :
MUJI Online store operated by Ryohin Keikaku.(Excluding the supply to other companies' online stores)

Sales Growth Year-on-Year by Product Category

Japan LFL Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
All Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
Apparel (%) 106.5 114.3
Household (%) 110.4 118.6
Foods (%) 106.2 117.3

Number of Stores

LFL Directly Managed Stores All Directly Managed Stores + LS
Number of Stores 429 651
Number of New-opening Stores - 4
Number of Closed Stores - 2

Store Openings


Sales Status

In February 2025, on a year-on-year sales basis, monthly sales were 108.5% at LFL directly managed stores and online stores, and 117.2% at all stores and online stores. Considering the negative impact of 3% due to the leap year in the previous year, the actual year-on-year growth rate for LFL directly managed store sales was in the double digits. Sales of Apparel, Household goods, and Foods all increased on a LFL store basis. In particular, sales of Household goods, mainly care products and daily consumables, remained strong. There was no YoY impact from the number of weekends and holidays.

Businesses Outside Japan
Fiscal period ending 2025 / Aug (2024/09/01~2025/08/31)
* Overseas sales growth will be updated by the middle of each month.

Monthly Sales for Feb 2025

Sales Growth, Customer Traffic and Sales per Customer Year-on-Year by Business Segment

【East Asia Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
All Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
Sales (%) 93.2 92.5 100.2 101.9
Customer Traffic (%) 104.5 - 113.3 -
Sales per Customer (%) 89.2 - 88.4 -

【Asia East / South & Oceania Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
All Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
Sales (%) 98.0 115.5
Customer Traffic (%) - 120.0
Sales per Customer (%) - 96.3

【Europe & Americas Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
All Directly Managed Stores
+ Online Store
Sales (%) 102.8 101.2
Customer Traffic (%) - 100.7
Sales per Customer (%) - 100.4
Target :
Directly Managed MUJI stores, MUJIcom stores, MUJItoGO stores outside Japan. (Licensed stores excluded)
LFL (Like-for-Like):
Stores fully operated during the prior fiscal period (excluding stores that were closed for 30 days or more in the previous term).
Online Store:
MUJI Online store operated by Ryohin Keikaku.(Excluding the supply to other companies' online stores).
However, for Mainland China only, the number includes the supply to other companies's online store.

Number of Stores by Business Segment

【East Asia Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores All Directly Managed Stores+LS
Number of Stores - 551
Number of New-opening Stores - 0
Number of Closed Stores - 2

【Asia East / South & Oceania Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores All Directly Managed Stores+LS
Number of Stores - 117
Number of New-opening Stores - 1
Number of Closed Stores - 1

【Europe & Americas Business】

LFL Directly Managed Stores All Directly Managed Stores+LS
Number of Stores - 49
Number of New-opening Stores - 0
Number of Closed Stores - 1

Store Openings


Monthly Sales Data Back Number

Summary FY 2007 - 2023/08[PDF:847KB]

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